Services, Pricing, and Memorialization Options:
Here at Glen Rest, we offer both pre-need and at-need Services and want to provide you with the proper aid while dealing with either situation. You will want to carefully choose a lasting marker for your loved ones.
When you purchase your Matthews® flush bronze marker from Glen Rest Memorial Estate, it has a lifetime guarantee for imperfections and damage. If there is a problem with other markers you may have the cost of removal and the installation cost of a new marker.
Should you choose to purchase a marker through another vendor, you should be aware of a per square inch installation fee, and that Glen Rest provides no warranty or guarantee for the marker or base. Please make certain that your marker provider is guaranteeing their product and or the process you must go through to have it replaced.
Veterans’ Bronze markers can be obtained by many at no cost, and no installation charge. We provide a free concrete base. If you want a granite base for the veteran’s maker we give Veteran’s a 10% discount on the base.
Our prices are all inclusive, there are no additional fees or charges with the exception of sales tax when applicable.
Pricing, Markers, and Vases
- Grave Spaces:
$2,350.00, $2,600.00, $3,600.00, and $4,000.o0each - Opening/Closing:
$1,800.00 Monday through Friday, $2,200.00 Saturday morning - Opening/Closing for Cremation internment with no service at our convenience:
$800.00 - Opening/Closing for Cremation internment with service:
$1,100.00, Saturday $1,400.00 - Tent Set Up:
$300.00 - Cremation Vaults:
$165.00 - Services remaining on the grounds for longer than one hour will be billed an additional $300.00 per hour in hourly increments after the original hour.
- Marker installation is $1.65 per sq inch if purchased through Glen Rest
- All funerals on Saturday must be in the gate by noon.
- Disinterment $10,000.00.