Our Cemetery & Garden – View it on Memorial Day
View our beautiful cemetery proudly displaying flags on Memorial Day!
The Cremation Garden
As funeral and traditional interment costs have increased, families are turning to cremation as a cost-effective alternative.
To meet the demand for a less expensive alternative, Glen Rest now offers The Cremation Garden. The Garden fits in with the pastoral setting that Glen Rest has always offered, and are the most cost-effective in comparison to cremation burial sites outside of The Garden (which require a lot, bronze markers, and urn vaults).

There are many options within our Gardens for memorialization, including several granite stones to choose from, as well as boulders in several sizes. Cremation eliminates the need for expensive coffins, vaults, and markers. Inclusive in the price: burial site, memorial product, and initial engraving, copper burial urn, and the beauty of The Garden with its many perennial flowers, grasses, and trees.
You may visit the Gardens anytime from daylight to dark. We encourage you to call with questions for additional information and pricing. To make an appointment: call the office at 614-866-3082 between 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday – Friday and from 9:00 A.M. to noon on Saturday (by appointment). You may also email us anytime at info@glenrest.org.